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Thread #75408   Message #1334328
Posted By: Raedwulf
21-Nov-04 - 07:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: religious question
Subject: RE: BS: religious question
Hawk - I don't disagree with your Qi Gong analogy at all, but may I extend it a little further? In the matter of deflecting the incoming blow... If you do it right, you deflect the incoming blow before it's ever thrown, before you get to DefCon 1 & physical violence ensues.

I've only ever once been in a genuine fight in my entire adult life (a loooong time ago), & I got clobbered & razored without throwing a blow because I was trying to be conciliatory & someone else was looking for a fight! A couple of times, I've legged it (the best way of avoiding a fight is not being there at all, & I'm quick on my feet!).

But if someone places me in a position where I have no choice as to violence, I want to put them down ASAP. Particularly since, in the modern world, a fight usually includes bottles, glasses, knives, his mates, yours... The faster & easier (and, sometimes & if necessary, more viciously) you put someone down the less likely there is to be any further violence.

Lastly, many people make the mistake of trying not to get hurt in a fight. As, I think, the vast majority who have had anything to do with fighting will tell you, this is the worst mistake you can make. If you get involved in a physical confrontation, assume that you will get hurt. Then, it's no surprise when you do (& if you don't, it's a nice bonus), & much easier to deal with. The natural corollary of this is make sure you 'hurt' your opponent worse i.e. not necessarily in a physical sense, but render them hors de combat in the shortest possible time.

I think, Hawk, I'm not telling you anything you don't know. We pretty much agree on the theory, just vary a little on the practical application! Anger & hate have nothing to do with it, & I said nothing about either. As you yourself said, does NOT mean surrendering to their bad behaviour and letting them get away with it. If someone tries physical violence & get hurt they're likely to think twice before offering the same again...


P.S. As to "Son of Man", not for much longer if feminists & geneticists have anything to do with it!! ;-)