The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75408   Message #1334386
Posted By: Amos
21-Nov-04 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: religious question
Subject: RE: BS: religious question
Virtually every positive development in modern society has its roots in Judeo-Christian teaching.

That is a most inaccurate and misestimated assertion. If your correspondent is capable of articulating specifics instead of over inflated generalities, he might have something of interest to say. It is true that the Churches of the Middle Ages were largely responsible for preserving knowledge through the centuries. That doesn't have much to do with Judeo Christian teachings as related tot he religion, though.

ANd let us not leave the books unbalanced by ignoring such upstanding contributions as the burning of Jeanne d'Arc, the barbarities of the Crusades, the ruination of Polynesia, the raising up of Torquemade, the prosecutions and witch burnings of Massachusetts... a long, gruesome, bloody list.