The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73459   Message #1334859
Posted By: Chief Chaos
21-Nov-04 - 09:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Subject: RE: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
My names Fresnelli...
Momma said there'd be days like this, but even she could never have imagined waking up in a morgue. For a moment I thought someone had shoved me in a filing cabinet but when I climbed out of the cabinet it was rather obvious where I was.

Damnit, Damnit, Damnit! How could I have been so dumb! Here I'd been chasing that fanged freak from continent to continent sure I'd get the bastard before too much longer and instead he'd gotten me. I had just been preparing for a trip to Australia to talk keep an eye on his last victim when he shows up in my front room. I know the pistol was a stupid thing but a frightened man will use about anything. Too bad I hadn't used my garlic and holy water bullets but Chicago was rough and those bullets wouldn't work on your normal chi-town hood.

Now, here i am standing naked in the morgue. As if being dead wasn't bad enough they've got to make it rather embarassing as well. First things first, some clothes. I don't have to worry about dieing of exposure (hah!) but walking around nude might draw some attention.

Next was getting to Australia. That bastard was sure to be there already, running down that unfortunate young lady. Well...the flight wouldn't be a problem. That fanged freak might have killed me but in some ways he just made my job alot easier. With the powers of a vampire now in my possesion I'm going to hunt him down and make him pay. I'm going to get a nice long piece of dogwood and personally carve a beautiful stake for that piece of bloodsucking shit and drive it through his coal black heart if it kills me, well... in a manner of speaking.