The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75620   Message #1335049
Posted By: GUEST,Mingulay
22-Nov-04 - 04:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: lard shortage! Hull9 influence suspected
Subject: RE: BS: lard shortage! Hull9 influence suspected
Was called away to supervise unloading Lard Aid flights this weekend and only just got back. Our thanks go to our American cousins for this much needed donation. Just one point, however, on the next flights please make sure the lard is packaged. I know it's quicker to just shovel it on board but it's hell to hack it out and separate it from the blue ice!

WARNING!!!! Impending world shortage of chipping potatoes. With all available transport moving potatoes into Idaho for the fry up the rest of the world is going short. Hull trawlers (what's left) are all doing sea going overtime to provide extra fish. Next problem will be a shortage of newspapers to wrap them in.