The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73459   Message #1335174
Posted By: GUEST,bleeding gums boris
22-Nov-04 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Subject: RE: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
..she had seen him again. magenta didnt know what it was that unnerved her about this man, the bat wings, waxen skin, the penetrating...

gaze. But all she knew was that she sensed a blackness in him. She gazed up in her mind, into his dark, dark eyes. it was as if she had never seen or known another man before. she could feel that longing, that aching.. this man was somehow, drawing her to him, she wanted to dive right into those eyes, that blackness, almost like diving into the night sky, to become obliterated in blackness.

"and", JennyG was saying, "you can buy these embroidered flowers - roses, violets, daisies, waratahs - even gymea lilies, and just iron them on. It saves hours of work and they look beautiful".

"where is she now", muttered jennyO. They heard a crash and a scream out the back shed.

JennyO, Jennyg, and Sandra all ran out the back. There lay Magenta, looking rather guilty, on top of a pile of pieces of wood, an old bicycle wheel, a bit of old tire and half of the old lawnmower, which was on its side, all seeming to have fallen out the side door of the shed. Yes, there lay Magenta, on top of all that clutter. JennyG looked, and looked away.

There was a mouse tail hanging out of Magenta's mouth.