The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75632   Message #1335236
Posted By: Tinker
22-Nov-04 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: At Mudcatters' Houses...
Subject: RE: BS: At Mudcatters' Houses...
Inside --complete and total chaos-- Janie dear you will be right at home in my house. 'Cept my garden is pretty much following the same motif. Add four kids and a 100 lbs of mutt who is slightly neuotic (scared of strangers) and ditto on the excess of instruments, books and CD's ... Oh and did I mention the Mister reads four papers a day???

But there are 3.5 bathrooms so we can usually do without the "pee bucket" The woodstove was disconnected when we moved in as the insurance agent said we couldn't prove it was installed to code at the time of installation and it doesn't meet current standards. But it looks good. The house just seems to absorb extra people painlessly. Six or a dozen it doesn't seem to matter. As long as the clutter doesn't send them running...