The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73459   Message #1336374
Posted By: Micca
23-Nov-04 - 08:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Subject: RE: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Micca, thought long and hard, and applied the Zazen Meditation techniques and decided that to reduce the threat in Oz he would have to travel the Long way round to Sydney flying to New York and making a diversion to Nottingham NH. This would give him a chance to see Lavinia, his Pink Flamingo friend and obtain a specimen of her DNA. Using this to apply the Principles set out in Dr Michael 'Alaska Mike' Campbells' seminal Thesis " The application of gene technology in the production of the perfect Sled dog to win the Iditarod!"maybe it could be introduced into the vampire gene pool and thus neutralize the Bat problem , at least . For who could take seriously a 5 foot tall pink fluffy vampire bat??
He anxiously scanned Nostralarmpit for a sign, he found it at the bottom of page 1204
He showed .!.. and the mystic words "up yrs Vlad"
And the Verse
When winter holds the north gript fast
warm south nights dark with inkness
the Cider drinker forth will come
and with him bring the Pinkness!!!

which Nostralarmpit admitted (in the footnotes) he knew not the significance of but hoped in time would be revealed!!!