The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75830   Message #1336729
Posted By: GUEST,Hootenanny
23-Nov-04 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Rain and Snow
Subject: RE: Origins: Rain and Snow

Obray Ramsey fom around Marshall, North Carolina an area rich in traditional music did a version on Prestige/International 13020 a 12" vinyl disc, accompanying himself on banjo.I don't think it has been re-issued on CD.
There is a version available on CD by the New Deal String Band which includes Tom Paley (founder of the New Lost City Ramblers) and another New Yorker and ex Washington Square musician Joe Locker both of whom are long time residents of the UK. Joe got the song from Roger Sprung another Washington Square player, who got it directly from the above Obray Ramsey. I find the chords used by Roger are more interesting than those on the Ramsey recording but that could be a matter of personal taste. This CD is still available direct from Tom Paley.

Hope this is of use.
