The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5439   Message #1336779
Posted By: Joybell
23-Nov-04 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Req: Black Jack Ballarat
Subject: RE: Black Jack Ballarat
No I've never heard it either. My family were from near Ballarat (pronounced with the emphasis on "rat"). We still live not far from there. Well a few hours. There are a lot of oldtimers and young "folkies" in the area. I'll snoop around.

John, we were there a week or so back. It was warm and Spring-like everywhere else around, but the city of Ballarat was being whipped by the usual freezing gale. How my ancestors survived the goldrush in a tent city near there I'll never know.
A lady in a thrift shop in Ballarat said, "Cheery-bye". Brought back the past. Cheery-bye, Joy