The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75832   Message #1337323
Posted By: Ellenpoly
24-Nov-04 - 02:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
Do go back and read Sabriel before going on to Abhorsen. I think it will lend more to the last book, and also make sense of some of the things that happened in the second.

I loved these books, especially the second one you just read. What a wonderful imagination Nix has!

I've skimmed the Mister Monday, Grim Tuesday...etc series, but they didn't catch me the way the other books did. Perhaps because I wasn't as caught up with the protagonists.

If you want to read some other books of this calibre, check out Peter Dickinson's "The Ropemaker" and " Tears of the Salamander", and also books by Diana Wynne Jones "The Year of the Griffin" and "The Merlin Conspiracy."

Again, these are considered "children's books" but who's kidding who? They are just wondeful pieces of literature...and I'm assuming you've read the "His Dark Materials" series by Phillip Pullman? Not to be missed!
