The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75818   Message #1338845
Posted By: Davetnova
25-Nov-04 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Animal Rights Protesters
Subject: RE: BS: Animal Rights Protesters
In virtually every book or article I've read on prehistory. The start of our road to the dizzy hights of civilization we inhabit today is marked by our ancestors testing their primitive tools on animals. About the only consistant things humanity has ever done have been to kill imprison and torture animals for out own benefits/comfort/pleasure. I think these actions may well define our species. We have now reached a stage of civilisation in some parts of the world where we don't need to wear furs to keep warm. We can wear synthetics. We don't need to kill animals to eat. We can open a tin. We don't need to bait badgers(except in Hull) We can watch I'm a Celebrity. We are being seperated from the core of our being. If you don't want to do anything to animals fine get on with your life and I'll get on with mine.
And why are Animal Rights Activists always on the left politically?