The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75890   Message #1339011
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
25-Nov-04 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: I heard nothing of this?!?
Subject: RE: BS: I heard nothing of this?!?
Funny old world isn't it? Just when we thoigh we had got rid of Josh (see here) somebody called James comes along.

Yes Josh, sorry, James. You are certainly entitled to have your opinion and voice it. Just as we are entitled to tell you to go back and crawl under whatever stone you came from. There is no point whatsoever trying to racialy agitate people here. They have too much sense and are not as likely to be conned by this kind of drivel as your usual Sunday Sport reading idiot cronies.

If you want to do something really useful go and spout your racist nonsense in the black ghettoes of East St Louis or around the crack clubs of Moss Side. Make yourself a martyr and make everyone happy.


Dave the Gnome