The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75850   Message #1339800
Posted By: MAG
26-Nov-04 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: Books: What Are You Reading?
Subject: RE: BS: What Are You Reading?
Oh, if we're doing long-term books, Rapaire, I have to throw in *Ulysses,* which I read three times as an English Lit major and developed a taste for. (same did not happen with various Woolf novels; she just didn't grab me, although *Orlando* was clever.)

|And I periodically take a stab at *Finnegan's Wake,* which is like the world's densest poetry. I'm usually laughing so hard by around page 20, I say, that's enough for now, and then re-read the same 20 pages in a year or three. You have to do it out loud. I swear Joyce was high as a kite throughout the (long) writing.