The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75857   Message #1339810
Posted By: GUEST
26-Nov-04 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Distinguishing between guests
Subject: RE: Tech: Distinguishing between guests
The problem of following an online conversation (which is all a thread is) for those with attention deficits which they obfuscate by claiming guests are the problem, is software driven, not identity driven.

Then there are the guest identity issues insecure and paranoid Mudcatters like Big Mick, a Mudcat clone, exploit constantly, in order to carry on their personal vendettas against other forum users like myself. He frequently uses my ISP in a hilarious attempt to "out" me in threads maliciously. So there is that nasty problem with the people who run this place who have been abusing their power too. Max usually just cuts off your access for a couple days when you criticize him. We have clone katlaughing to thank for the debacle that is the user name log-in fiasco with "members and guests" because she and the other Mudcat royals were so appalled when people they had dissed in the forum started posting nasty shit under their screen names. And then there is Joe Offer who is an asshole unto himself when it comes to this petty tyrant shit.

It's all ridiculously childish, but you learn a lot about the Mudcat royals and regulars by paying attention to who goes off the deep end on this shit, and makes it personal. That is what the Mudcat is all about. This place is troll paradise. Some of you might have noticed the "no personal attacks" only applies if you are well connected to the Mudcat royals. If you are not one of their forum pets, then the Martin Gibson and brucie trolls of the world can make all the personal attacks on you they want. The Mudcat royals only censor attacks on themselves and their pets, or censor and bully those they have a personal vendetta against.

Like a said, the whole "follow the conversation" issue has nothing to do with the member/guest user log-in. It is a software fix, that Max will never make because he has no intention of ever upgrading the software for the forum. He lost interest in that sort of thing years ago.

Which reminds me, it's about time for the Mudcat royals to start another fundraising drive for Max. The server is going down with regularity again.

Just don't expect anything to get fixed around here for the price of your donations though. Or to receive any thanks from Max for donating.