The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75436   Message #1339832
Posted By: GUEST,SueB
26-Nov-04 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dyslexia
Subject: RE: BS: Dyslexia
That's just the kind of pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo I'm talking about, Ellenpolly. Thanks to MRI's and new brain imaging techniques, we can see precisely what's going on in the brain when someone is reading, and can compare the differences in the brain activity between a fluent reader and a poor reader. The "juggling and balance" approach is based on the theory that dyslexics have a less permeable corpus callosum which impairs right brain-left brain interaction but can be somehow made more permeable by "brain gym" types of activity, like cross-crawling and juggling. Outdated hogwash, but it's still out there being pushed on the credulous, along with colored overlays, which may make reading more "comfortable" but have absolutely no effect on how and where the neurons are firing in your brain.