The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75890   Message #1339950
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
26-Nov-04 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: I heard nothing of this?!?
Subject: RE: BS: I heard nothing of this?!?
Is shouting "troll" "troll" really the best we can do.

Not at all, ake. I have offered, thrice now, to shake the hand of Mr B or at least have it shaken by proxy if another 'catter is nearer! I don't think it will happen but we could all be surprised. However, if it looks like a troll, sounds like a troll and smells like a troll, chances are that it is a troll:-)

As to 'a proper debate on what will become a major problem'.

Firstly, it won't become a major problem if we don't let it. It is not now and never has been. Racism against the majority simply does not exist. It is BNP dogma. Nothing more. The more people that begin to believe it is a 'major problem' the more support they get.

Secondly, crying racism is not a proper debate either. Nor is quoting from right wing web sites. Nor is hiding blatantly racist diatribe behind a veneer of civilised debate.

Finaly, and most worrying, Mr B thinks he is finding allies here at the Mudcat. I would be worried if I were you, ake (akenaton is correct...) Start to look into that pit and you may get dragged in.

Good luck and stay away from the edge;-)

Dave the Gnome