The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75957   Message #1340449
Posted By: DebC
27-Nov-04 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: Shameless Self Promo - Debra Cowan
Subject: Shameless Self Promo
Hi all,

I am one of these folks that is a wee bit leery of promoting myself, and I hope that it's okay to put this in here. I see many others for whom I have a lot of respect (Anahata and Mary, Jed Marum, etc) do it so I thought I might as well.

I am going to be performing at Mom and Pop's Coffeehouse in Levittown, PA this Friday, Dec. 3 . It would be great to see any Mudcatters that might be in the area. You can go to my website Debra Cowan Performances or to Mom and Pop's to get the details.

Debra Cowan