The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75436   Message #1341040
Posted By: Helen
28-Nov-04 - 07:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dyslexia
Subject: RE: BS: Dyslexia
Hi Sue exhull,

The lenses don't have anything to do with 3D sight. It is simply, as Liz said earlier, that the tinted lenses cut the glare on the paper and reduce the extreme contrast of black print on white paper. It's like having everything printed on lightly tinted paper instead of stark black on white.

Your daughter may not have Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome but in my opinion it is worth investigating all avenues. The lenses are called Irlen Lenses, so you may be able to find out from your local optometrists, or doctors, eye specialists or education specialists.

SueB, I didn't see anger in your earlier posting, but you gave the impression of a blanket dismissal of a broad range of scientific studies which are investigating interventions which may help to ease the problem of dyslexia. Every dyslexic person is different, so it is impossible to generalise about dyslexia and dyslexics based on the experiences and capabilities of one person. Some things work for some people, and not for others. That doesn't mean that all of the interventions are pseudo scientific mumbo jumbo or hogwash.   

There are probably a range of causes of dyslexia and a range of symptoms. Unless you have done some rigorous scientific, experimental studies of interventions for dyslexia then it would be difficult to pass judgement on what works and what doesn't. Even the studies that have been done would not have been able to test all of the different manifestations of dyslexia.

In telling my own experiences about the Irlen lenses I was trying to provide some anecdotal evidence of what happened with me and why I think it works - and I mean works as a way of easing a problem which makes reading difficult for me, and which compounds the problem of dyslexia. I never claimed that it cures dyslexia. I simply said that it makes reading easier, and therefore alleviates one of the difficulties which I have with reading. I never said it stopped the left-right & up-down reversals of letters, only that it makes reading more comfortable and relieves the strain on my eyes as well.

You can choose the interventions which you believe are best for your child, but you cannot dismiss things which work for other people just because you have decided that it doesn't work in your child's specific case.

As for the label of "passive-aggressive": I think that you are starting to look for a fight that isn't there. We are discussing this issue objectively and not emotively. We are not being overtly OR covertly aggressive.
