The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75857   Message #1341238
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
28-Nov-04 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Distinguishing between guests
Subject: RE: Tech: Distinguishing between guests
"encourage free, intelligent, adult discussion here"
What's the song then? "Two outa three ain't bad"...

"You and Clinton are the worst offenders. "
What-frigg'n-ever! If "Brucie" and I are the worst thing that ever hit Mudcat, then it's the luckiest site on the whole internet....

"moderators who failed to stomp on gargoyle"
I have named no names at all in this sub-topic of the thread... nor do I claim that I've never needed to be moderated... I have suggested (requested) that things that I have posted in haste or overwraught be deleted... (or that I be supplied with the basic messageboard feature of being able to edit my own posts)   But if yer gonna moderate me, then you gotta mod everyone... including the moderators...

"The moderators are here to have a good time, not to babysit Brucie and Clinton"
Bzzzt! Wrong answer Hans... I hate to rain on your parade, but ya it really kinda is... as sad as it is that they're needed, that's exactly what a moderators job is... to, ummm... 'moderate' I think is the term... Ask any other moderator on any other message board... that is EXACTLY their job... Sometimes it's easy... sometimes it's like herding cats...

"take responsibility for your behavior"
Ha! Coming from mods who don't mod, or only mod when they feel like it, that's rich!

"a volunteer should jump right on it and delete it"
So answer me this... why not then?

Honestly, I quit caring what the mods and the 'powers' at mudcat do a long time ago... about the time when I realized that financial contributions do nothing to improve the site, or to even keep it at it's 'former glory'... I am only participating in this end of the thread now in the interest of discussion... I KNOW nothing is ever going to change here... But as above, there are things about the 'workings' of Mudcat that I have questions about... Those questions, for whatever reason, seem to cause you to bunch yer banana-hammock...