The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75998   Message #1341728
Posted By: Shanghaiceltic
29-Nov-04 - 02:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
Subject: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
I cannot believe that Jimmy T missed this.......

Have to be carefull you're not wearing the thong whilst charging, especially if you get pulled over by the police.

M-B-A student develops glow-in-the-dark thong

A Texas M-B-A student was designing a glow-in-the-dark jogging suit when he got distracted.

Now Beau Carpenter is marketing a neon thong that's so far attracted eager customers at a strip club. The Houston Chronicle reports that Carpenter had no trouble enlisting help in his venture from a chemistry lab manager and electrical engineering student.

The GloThongs have batteries that, when fully charged, illuminate the straps for two hours in various neon colors. Customers can use a wall adapter to charge them up, but car chargers are also available.

They'll be available next month and cost about 50 dollars.