The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75998   Message #1342522
Posted By: jimmyt
29-Nov-04 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
Liz, I am working on two or three new things, Plutonium Hemmorhoid cream, Exploding condoms (gag gift) but this is still in litigation, and a floral scented thong but my R and D girls quit their jobs after an unfortunate African Bee incident that I had no control over.

I do think the Glow idea is nice but damned if the battery installation isn't a bit tricky. (Oaklet is the only one who insists on changing his own batteries and he also wants D cells)

I think a lightening bug, faint on and off biolumenescence is a lot more intimate though!