The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12474   Message #1344333
Posted By: GUEST
01-Dec-04 - 09:56 AM
Thread Name: Come you pranksters, fess up!
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
I was the victim of a prank once. I've always been well known for my weak stomach. I gag easily at nasty, gross things. When I was in the Navy as a watch supervisor, my operators pulled a practical joke on me. In those days, supervisors kept the watch log on an IBM Selectric typewriter. I worked in a classified area at the time, which was "sanitized" by drawing curtains over equipment and areas that had to be hidden from the view of uncleared personnel. The typewriter was behind the curtains. One day, while the spaces were sanitized, I stepped out for a smoke. When I came back in and sat down to make some log entries, I felt somthing squishy and sticky between my fingers and some of the keys. I looked at my fingers and saw what looked like several big boogers. Instantly grossed out to the extent of being nauseated, I was, shall we say, rather vocal in my disgust. There I was, gagging and cursing behind that curtain, shaking my hands vigorously to get the boogers off. "EEEEWWWW, boogers!!! OK, who's the sonofab---- that put the f---in' snot on my typewriter!?" I actually lost my lunch, if you catch my drift. I knew I'd been had when I heard the hysterical laughter from my operators who were all there waiting on the other side of the curtains for my reaction. They had taken some cellophane tape and rubbed off the gummy adhesive into very realistic looking balls and stuck them all over my keyboard. Better stop while I'm ahead. The thought of boogers is making me queasy.
