The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30701   Message #1344895
Posted By: GUEST,John in Brisbane
01-Dec-04 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: CarrickfergusMeaning:marble stones as black as ink
Subject: RE: Meaning: 'marble stones as black as ink
I can never know the true intentions of the original author (was the Kikenny verse added by another?), but in future I will interpret it this way:

"I'm a native of Carrickfergus and because I'm living overseas I'm very sentimentally attached to the place. I yearn to get a free boat trip there via the speediest boat available.

I used to be keen on a girl in Kilkenny that I splahed some money on in order to impress her. I'm always moving about and left her behind. I've just heard that she has since died and is buried in Kilkenny. I'm unemployed and quite depressed, so I'll continue to drown my sorrows in the booze."


"I'm a fairly pathetic pisspot who hasn't held a steady job since I left Ireland. To escape reality I get on the turps andI fantasize about my childhood and a prostitute from Kilkenny - I was her best customer until my money ran out. I've just heard that she died of syphillis. I need another shot."

Regards, John