The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75999   Message #1345297
Posted By: George Papavgeris
02-Dec-04 - 07:19 AM
Thread Name: Dave Bryant - Illness
Subject: RE: BS: Dave Bryant
I had a close colleague go down with a stroke that left him paralysed one side, with no vision from one eye, and no speech at all. Within 3 months the vision had returned, he regained full use of his affected arm and leg, and speech was at 60%. He went home at that point. Within 6 months from thew stroke he was allowed to drive, and speech was at 90%. By the end of the year you wouldn't have known that he had a stroke.

It took a lot of physio and a lot of determination from the guy himself, as well as a lot of Warfarin (to thin his blood, because it was found that his had unusually think consistency, which had caused the clots in the first place).

Dave's case sounds significantly lighter, and so I hope the timescales involved will be even shorter. As Hilary says, I am sure that the doctors are being cautious until they identify the precises cause and the location of any clots.

Just think how fit he will be when you get him back after all the physio - lucky you!

Meanwhile, just a thought: I will be away to Oz myself, but how about a few Catters getting together for a litle carol singing in the hospital around Dave's bed? I am sure he would appreciate both the sounds and the faces being there.