The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76111   Message #1346036
Posted By: Rustic Rebel
03-Dec-04 - 02:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Christmas Tavern too....
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Christmas Tavern too....
Mudcat Christmas Tavern
The lights were flashing so brightly I thought I would have a hernia in my eye.
Who could drive by a sign so well hung, and so entertainingly displayed in the middle of bum-fuck North-south-east-west polar rightness.

Staggering in, already half baked, I wander in from the northern door. I see a wonderful assortment of people already starting to celebrate a holiday and I want to celebrate too.

I have to wander the tavern to find just the right bar stool and then I had to move it down to the end of the bar where I could watch the Northern door. I was waiting for a friend to arrive with his electric washboard. Said he would meet me here.

I'd like to buy the next round bartender!!
Do we have a bartender?
hell, set us all up with a shot of choice!!

I need to start a tab.

Why is the christmas tree hanging from the rafters? Is this some kinda Andy Warhol party? Well I can dig it.
Tequila and plum for me, Mister Barkeep and keep them coming until I find a place to fall down by the fire,

Oh, one more thing, if the squid is done I would like a morsel to eat before I really get fucked up, okay?