The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60219   Message #1346208
Posted By: InOBU
03-Dec-04 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Monkeys
Subject: RE: BS: Monkeys
Jeri wirtes:
"John, I once saw a show on TV which demonstrated humans weren't the only animal to use tools. The monkey would select a twig and strip it of leafy things, then stick it into an old rotting tree-stump and pull it out covered with...well, they might have been termites. Either ants or termites. Bugs. The monkey would then eat the bugs of the stick. "


Chimpanzees they were... at least an ape, a fellow primate, not monkey... and some anthropologists today place Chimps in the hominid line, as our common ancestor was more hominid than ape... which also speaks to the post about early hominids living at the same time, there is likely two hominids today... chimps and folks have only one enzime different in our dna ... as apposed to the closest primate which has hundreds of enzimes different...

and why are there still monkeys? Someone has to hold the cup for organ grinders...