The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76153   Message #1346261
Posted By: Hand-Pulled Boy
03-Dec-04 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: The end of Hull
Subject: BS: The end of Hull
In the year 2006 most of Hull will be under water due to coastal erosion and rising sea levels. As Spurn Head is breached the natural protection of Holderness will have been removed and the North sea will quickly make inroads, swamping all in it's path. Whole communities will be lost to the sea. There is no need to be alarmed yet. Enjoy Christmas and all of the panic buying that goes with it. Remember the shops will be shut for two days, and in many cases only one. Many people in the world are starving or being wiped out by natural disasters. Terrorism is a world wide threat and many world leaders have blinkered vision and greed. The environment is rapidly changing and every day species of animal, fish, birds and insects become extinct.

I know it's still early December but Merry Christmas to all.