The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76104   Message #1346921
Posted By: Peace
03-Dec-04 - 09:43 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Our Baby Died Last Night
Subject: RE: Origins: 'Baby Died of Spinal Meningitis'
The sick joke has been with us since people found that humour came in many forms. When people would draw and quarter an unlucky soul, others would look and say, "It took a lot of guts to do that."

So, a fellow has a pure white dog that he says runs like the wind. A fellow bets him the dog can't run fast. The get in a Corvette and drive. 40 MPH and the dog is just loping. 60 MPH and the ears are back. 80 MPH and the tongue is hanging out. Driver asks how the dog's doing. The dog's owner says, "He isn't even trying yet." Fellow boots the car. They're doing 138 MPH. Fellow says to drive, "He is still with us." Driver looks over to see for himself. They miss a curve and crash into a big tree.

They wake up in hospital, both in body casts. Driver says, "If I ever see your f#ckin' dog again it'll be too soon." Dog owner says, "He's over there in the corner." Driver turns his eyes and says, "That's not your dog. Your dog was solid white. This one has a brown ring around his neck." Owner says, "That IS my dog. The brown ring's his asshole. He ain't used to stopping so fast."