The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #510   Message #1347
Posted By:
15-Jan-97 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Jake & 10 Ton Molly (B. Staines)
Subject: Lyric Req: Jake & 10 Ton Molly (B.Staines)
Anyone with info/lyrics to a recitation performed by Bill Staines, written by Mike Agranauf(sp) entitled The Ballad of Jake & 10 Ton Molly or electronic/snail-mail address for Mike (or Bill S.) Please, contact me directly at

Last I heard Bill perform this was about 5 years ago at Kerrville Folk Fest He introduces it as a white collar hero story. It's about an engineer at Avco, whose tank project (10 ton molly) is axed by budget cuts, and the mayhem from Jake & Mollys "one last farewell run"

Many Thanks & Cheers to one & all, jack