The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76188   Message #1347208
Posted By: Mrs.Duck
04-Dec-04 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Teenager problems
Subject: RE: BS: Teenager problems
Don't you wish they came with instructions! I've certainly had some major ups and downs with my two eldest (now 20 and 18) and no doubt will have more to come with them and the other three. If your child won't get up for school then point out that you could be the one in trouble if she refuses to go. I'm not saying it will help but at least she will understand why you are likely to get angry if she doesn't do as asked. Don't be afraid to get angry either - it can clear the air sometimes but always try to follow an outburst with an explanation as to why you reached that point. If you are not already a member of mudcat - join and in times of desperation call into the chat room - although we talk a lot of rubbish most of the time many of us are parents and will listen to you blowing off about the latest and sometimes offer helpful advice or help you to see the lighter side and help releive the stress - honest.