The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15038   Message #134780
Posted By: Bill D
11-Nov-99 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: Brazilian vs. Indian Rosewood
Subject: RE: Brazilian vs. Indian Rosewood
aahhh...emily...since the name "rosewood" has such a high recognition quotient and 'aura', wood dealers like to get that name attached to anything which vaguely resembles rosewood....Bolivian rosewood is also called Striped Caviuna and Morado..and a few other is Machaerium schleroxylon

look here for a picture...(not that this site is the best..but they are right about THIS species)

Machaerium schleroxylon also has some irritants in the dust that cause reactions in some people, (as do several Rosewoods)

How do I know this..besides being a wood collector? wife BOUGHT me a piece once as a present..said they called it 'Morado' at the off I went to increase my knowlege..back to the dealer..

"what is Morado?" I asked.."this here", they said..."hmmm..." says I..." where does it come from...what is it's scientific name?"..."shrug", says them...."well, then how do you KNOW it's Morado?", I ask..."well, because", says the guy, with a straight face, "whenever we order Morado, this is what they send us!" ARRRRGGGHHHH!! I later looked it up is several serious books on the subject till I could figure out just what WAS what...and I still have not cut into that Morado! (wanna buy it? *grin*) see what we wood nuts are up against...dealers DO NOT CARE..(mostly)...they want to sell wood, not classify it!...There are similar messes in nomenclature about the Maples, Walnuts...(S. American Walnut...Queensland Walnut etc)...and there are 40-50 woods in the world called "Ironwood", and most folks are fairly resistant to learning that THEIR 'Ironwood' is not the only one!