The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76229   Message #1348466
Posted By: GUEST
05-Dec-04 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: ChristianJewishAtheistRepublicanDemocrat
Subject: RE: ChristianJewishAtheistRepublicanDemocrat
You know what Jerry? I think you are a liar, trying to spread Christian propaganda. First, half your family is African American. Then someone uses the example of Muslim religion, and you come back with Muslim relatives. Jeezus H. Christ Jerry, I think we better let Oprah know about you. You are just so fucking special, with all those happy mixes of races and religions under your roof, being happy little Christians and respecting one another.

So Jerry, where are your Jewish family and friends? All your Hindu relatives? Or your Sikh relatives? How about your orthodox relatives Jerry, have their denounced their religion to join in your happy little Christian capitalist "holidays"?

Mary Garvey, have you spent all your Thanksgivings in China? Do most of the Chinese people who live in China, and have never been anywhere else on the planet (and Mary, there are billions of them, and only millions of Americans, mind "tend to celebrate" American thanksgiving?

Here is the thing good wee Christians all. You are myopically American and myopically Christian Americans, and that has proven to be a damn deadly combination for the rest the world.

So maybe it's time to rethink the savior and apocalypse strategies, or go join Mel in the Hollywood mountains of the La La Christian Homeland.