The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76188   Message #1348750
Posted By: GUEST
06-Dec-04 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Teenager problems
Subject: RE: BS: Teenager problems
If someone does something wrong, then ladies, are you suggesting they NOT be ashamed of their actions, or feel guilty about it? That children should be raised with no sense of guilt or shame?

Thank you very much, but I'm pretty fed up with the education system being the dumping ground for kids who have been raised with no sense of guilt or shame.

As a parent and an educator, I know that you never shame or guilt or affix blame to the person, but to the action. Follow that golden rule, and you can make remarkable progress.

But raising and educating kids with no sense of guilt or shame just results in really frightening, selfish, arrogant teenagers who can't and won't control themselves. No thank you.

I'm plenty open minded. Just not so open minded that my brains have fallen out.

And why am I not surprised it is women who suggest that we not be strict? You can be both strict and loving, strict and positive, strict and fair.    When we simply are "understanding and giving them space" kids never know where they stand, what the rules are they are expected to follow, and never experience realistic adult consequences for their actions.

I'm sick of being that dumping ground, like I said. Kids need strong boundaries, they need to know and clearly understand the simple rules we all live by, and they need to know and clearly understand the consequences for violating all of the above. If we don't teach them those things as parents and educators, just how in hell are they supposed to learn those things?

Life is not limitless. But once we know the boundaries in life, our potential is limitless.