The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76229   Message #1349607
Posted By: YorkshireYankee
07-Dec-04 - 12:56 AM
Thread Name: ChristianJewishAtheistRepublicanDemocrat
Subject: RE: ChristianJewishAtheistRepublicanDemocrat
I am not Christian, but I do not feel insulted or offended when someone wishes me a Happy Christmas, though I will confess that if someone who knows my background is thoughtful enough to wish me a Happy Chanukah instead, I do appreciate it.

Jerry, I have no trouble believing you had no agenda whatsoever in starting this thread, other than to wish people well, give us all a bit of a lift and encourage us to focus on things we have in common rather than things to tear into each other about.

May I take this opportunity to wish you the very best and to thank you for the large number of gentle, thought-provoking and often uplifting threads you post. IMHO, you have started many of the very best threads I've seen on this forum. I wish more people followed your example.