The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76254   Message #1349827
Posted By: Swave N. Deboner
07-Dec-04 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Scotland Yet
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Scotland Yet
Boab - By the "Craft", I assume you mean the music trade. I'm just another IT professional with a deep love of music. I've written a few songs, none ever published. I sing (fairly good, or so I'm told), and play keyboards, whistle, sax, trumpet, and all the clarinets (E flat through contrabass). I aspire to one day play the Highland Pipes, and to participate in a session with Scots and/or Irish folkies. Never made a penny for performing, which probably disqualifies me from being a member, unless there's such a thing as unpaid (amatuer) members. At any rate, I first heard "Scotland Yet" shortly after I'd been to a website where folk could vote for their choice for the Scottish national anthem. I saw the resurrected thread on "Flower of Scotland" here on the 'Cat yesterday, and it just promted me to start this thread. I don't expect many posts to it. Just wanted to find out if there were any bonafide Scottish Nationalists who think the song has merit.
