The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76172   Message #1349981
Posted By: Jeri
07-Dec-04 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: What constitutes a bad post?
Subject: RE: BS: What constitutes a bad post?
It has been shown by studies done at Wattsupuid U. that 89% of all human arguments (including those on the internet) depend upon a defensive reaction to a stimulus for argument initialization to occur. They theorised that, should the reaction (if there was a reaction at all) not be defensive in nature, the argument might never occur, in effect, achieving the same results as the classic IRYG* response, causing the stimulus-providing individual or individuals to reclaim their spherical glass objects and return to their place of abode.

Therefore, possible replies to the stimulus which may be effective in preventing argument development include:
"Sure, fine, whatever," "I think it's commendable you have an opinion on the matter." and the classic, ".........................."

Please note that "I am NOT!" "You first!" "Make me!" or "I am not going to reply to you, do you hear me!? You just want to make me mad, and that really pisses me off, so I am NOT going to get mad and I am NOT going to talk to you anymore! I'll talk to the OTHER people...Hey, you other people, don't think Elmer is a wanker? He keeps trying to bother me, but he really doesn't. He wants me to respond to him, but I won't! Watch this - I won't even notice him."

*I'm rubber, you're glue; everything you say bounces of me and sticks to you.

In the end, you have to ask yourself what good your post might do vs. what harm, and why you want other people to read it. What will readers across the globe get from my words, now and for however long Mudcat exists?

In the end, remember, humor is your friend! (And 'growing up' is for other people, as far as I'm concerned.)