The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41009   Message #1351893
Posted By: Mooh
09-Dec-04 - 08:17 AM
Thread Name: Fender Acoustic Guitars
Subject: RE: Fender Acoustic Guitars
Not sure how many Fender electrics have passed through my hands (several of each), but I still own a Strat and a Tele for my electric gigs. The only Fender acoustic I had was a mid 70s 12 string because it was all I could afford at the time and I had a genuine ambition to be Leo Kottke. I've never wanted it back as it was low end crap and took many years to get another 12 because good ones seemed so rare to my ears.

Ten years ago Fender was marketing acoustics which they called SPRINGHILL. The ones I played were the best Fender branded acoustics to my ears. They were made in Asia somewhere, but were discontinued, maybe because Fender has soiled their acoustic future to the point where the market doesn't trust the name.

Today, there are so many reasonably priced entry and mid level instruments that one shouldn't need to worry about getting stuck with a piece of crap...if they do their homework that is.

Peace, Mooh.