The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76360   Message #1352278
Posted By: AllisonA(Animaterra)
09-Dec-04 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Animaterra's mom's accident
Subject: BS: Animaterra's mom's accident
Please send healing thoughts for my 78-year old mother, Peg, who was hit by a pickup while crossing the street yesterday, clear noon, no ice. She broke both ankles and fractured her pelvis, sustained tons of bruises, but no head injuries or internal injuries as far as they can tell. She's in great spirits and is getting very good care, but needs lots of healing thoughts.

She and her companion live on the second floor of an old Victorian- no elevator, naturally- so there will be lots of decisions along with the healing. And Christmas, of course.

I'm doing ok but have much performing to do over the next week, so will be flitting back and forth (the hospital's about 45 miles from my home). I'm exhausted and stressed but trying to keep positive.
