The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73459   Message #1352641
Posted By: Chief Chaos
10-Dec-04 - 01:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Subject: RE: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
It might be time to let you all in on a state secret.
Don’t look at me like that, I swore to keep it secret until death.
I don’t think I need keep it anymore.

This isn’t my first trip to Australia.
Okay so that isn’t a surprise to you.
My last trip to Australia was many years ago but apparently what
happened back then is still in the national memory.

It was shortly after the end of WWII. The U.S. government had been sifting through what it could of the remains of Hitler’s memoirs and research programs. I guess it’s no secret that he was very interested in the occult. Some of what he uncovered was already well known as fact or regarded as pure fantasy and myth. Unfortunately for every known there were a certain amount of unknowns. The Australian Aboriginal beliefs of the Dream Time had largely gone unaddressed by the scholarly world. What Hitler was looking for, or what he might have actually found was one of the unknowns. I as a young scholar with military research and my much older partner
were sent down under to look into matters and also try to uncover any remaining agents from the reich that might still be active.

I know that all sound like bunk but after the war we all wanted to stamp out any remnants of the reich no matter how absurd they might be. Nobody wanted to take any chances that someone might pop-up with something dangerous and restart the madness.

So I found myself in the wilderness of the outback hunting down Nazis, collaborators and any information I could about Dream Time.

Unfortunately we weren’t the only ones that were interested. Shortly after we arrived, and generally right before interviewing a suspect we’d find that person dead. At first it was merely an annoyance but after the bodies started piling up the public began to worry about having a serial killer amongst them. It didn’t help that some of the deaths were pretty bizarre and due to the work we were doing the details had to be considered secret. If the Aussies had know that the murderer was just after Nazi agents they might not have gotten so concerned.

And this of course is where Vlad comes into the mix. Of course at the time we didn’t know the murderer was a vampire and to this day I still haven’t been able to determine if he was working for someone or had his own agenda. My partner decided that we should stake out a few of our suspects the night before we were actually supposed to be interviewing them. We suspected that there was a leak somewhere in the chain and that moving before we were supposed to might let us catch the murderer.

We almost didn’t get him that night. If it hadn’t been for a very young girl walking in on Vlad and his victim (her grandfather) and her subsequent scream we would have never known. We broke the door of the house down and stormed in guns drawn. There was blood everywhere around the corpse of the old man and there was Vlad, the little girl clutched against him as he drained her life. We didn’t bother trying to take him alive. We let him have it with what you might call extreme prejudice. Of course our bullets had no effect whatsoever. My partner became his third victim that night. Vlad tossed him around like a rag doll. He never stood a chance. I would have been the fourth but for the sunrise. I was found unconscious among the bodies. It took awhile for the government to get me off the hook. For some reason Vlad fled Australia. I guess he thought we’d actually be able to stop him with enough men and a few sharpened stakes.

I’ve been after him ever since.
That’s the story, believe me or not it doesn’t matter. Unless you were one of the few that Vlad hadn’t managed to kill.

I just found out about another unknown. Apparently along with great strength, morphing, and controlling night creatures, a vampire can feel the presence of other vampires. I can only assume that since I feel him, he also feels me. He doesn’t know necessarily that it is me of course but I can only guess what his course of action will be. The game just got a lot more interesting.