The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76365   Message #1352694
Posted By: GUEST,Mingulay
10-Dec-04 - 04:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happee Christmus to Everbodie!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Happee Christmus to Everbodie!!!
Shame on youse. Santa proply drives a '57 Chevvy sidestep pickup wit a 301 inch smallblock moter all in krome. Got a Isky cam 2 4 barill Holleys zoomie headers an all. Paynted in red metilflyk wi so much lacker y' carnt mezure it w' a rooler.

Santa in a Plymouth don't bare thinkin' 'bout.

Harpy Christmus to yew jOhn.

Seesanol Grittings from yore ol' buddy - Billy Bob Jo Beth.