The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76365   Message #1352853
Posted By: GUEST,Rufus and Retha May
10-Dec-04 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happee Christmus to Everbodie!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Happee Christmus to Everbodie!!!
Nice to here frum ya beadublaell

To anser yir quistin idz hangin ok but not really grate sins I godda be back to wiek at the jail the day affer Christmus an that means pore ol Rethaa May is gonna haft to take downed the dekerasions dis year all by her Retha May seff

Az fir that Plimoth you wanta wirk a trade affer Iz finesh up wid helpin the cheriff at da jail sinz a got 7 klassik Chivettes which sum of them run ok

But iz wid you pal on the plymiths cause day will run cirkles round no iskenderrian clamed up 57 Chevrlea wich in my opineon waz the uglierest car eber made an dont look haft as good as a plymith or Chivette eether

1 bit of good Christmus newz es that wid me helpin out downed at der jail Retha May aint had me to runed up to the store fur her an shez los a ton of wait an prolbablee down round a trim 4 hunderd an 75 pondes an lookin ok but dont tell nobody but I gotta a good deal frum John Spicer's boy on a truc load of used Twinkees that had bin on da sheff to long an hez gonna let me borrow da truc on Christmus day an Iz jus gonna put a big red bow in top fir her

I gotta go now


but nobodee say nuthen about da Twinkees ok