The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76378   Message #1353058
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
10-Dec-04 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spinach
Subject: RE: BS: Spinatch
I grew up eating the canned spinach, and sometimes it's interesting in a retro sort of way, but I do like it fresh steamed or cut up in salads. I live in the south but didn't grow up here, so I'm not versed in using a lot of the local greens. I have always grown Swiss chard, however, and I find it more versatile than spinach and use it a lot. When it gets bigger it works in dishes the way cabbage will (it holds up in soups, doesn't melt away like spinach would). Chopped up and submerged in the egg/milk mix it's great in quiche. Cut and steamed it's good wilted with a little vinegar, like spinach.

I've used it in Middle Eastern recipes with lamb. And spinach pie--it's so good (and I might even cheat and eat some even though I try to avoid dairy products these days).