The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76375   Message #1353168
Posted By: Ellenpoly
10-Dec-04 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: Mummers and Racism
Subject: RE: BS: Mummers and Rascism
I didn't assume anything, GUESTpetr, it's what I'd been reading about Mummers since this thread started. It does in the past seem to be associated with certain characters, the devil being one, as is the turk. I haven't seen a Mummers play here, but was only looking for possible alternatives. The tradition is a long one which seems to go back centuries and not only in this country.

If it is now played with all Mummers in black face, I'm interested in knowing when that tradition started. And if it is indeed not a race reference, then why can't it be done as easily with either another colour, or a mask?

I make no judgements here, as I said in my first post, but it's not going away, all this kind of concern and censorship. The only way to oppose it, or to at least debate it, is with as much information as possible, yes?