The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76111   Message #1353332
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
10-Dec-04 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Christmas Tavern too....
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Christmas Tavern too....
MMario - if you need to expand the Hare Stew exponentially I expect that Frizbee can use her connections to borrow a Cornucopia to cook it in. You'll have to keep it quiet though, I dread to think what sort of scenes we'd get if Oaklet and company hear that somebody has got a "horn of plenty"....

Barkeep - by the way - who IS behind the bar this year? I like to have a face to attach to a name....
Anyway, whoever you might be, can you pour MAG a glass of the Young's Double Chocolate Stout and a round of their Christmas Pudding Ale for the rest of the company. BLICKY HERE You'll have to navigate to the beers yourself...

And I don't understand why people are complaining about Duck leavings. About the only thing I've ever left in here is empty glasses.....
Mind you - if somebody offered to refill them...............