The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76375   Message #1353591
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
10-Dec-04 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: Mummers and Racism
Subject: RE: BS: Mummers and Rascism
Let's face it, whatever we do we are likely to offend someone. If the local catholic church puts on a carol concert outside is it being offensive to moslems? Is halloween offensive to christians? Are parading giants offensive to us gnomes? It's about time people just got on with their own lives and stopped interfering with others.

I 'black up' as Hector in the easter pace egg. Until some pillock mentioned it may be racist I never gave it a second thought. That is as far as it got - a second thought - before it was dismissed as nonsense. I have performed the play for years. I have spoken to black people, indian people, chinese people and people from all over the world. They have never given a single indication that they found it anything other than either fun or completely barking mad!

If I am offended at anything I see I simply stop watching. Easy. I have never forced anyone to watch the Pace Egg. If we give in to this PC drivel where will it end? Will Manchesters gay mardi-gras have to stop because it is offensive to the conservative hetrosexual? Will we stop the Notting Hill carnival on the grounds that it represents the black people of the area as rowdy drunkards? Will I have to shave off beard because it is offensive to orthodox jews that a non jew is mimicing them?

It is not taking the piss out of anyone apart from the players themselves. If I want to wear odd clothes, make up and act the fool for charity who has the right to tell me what colour the make up should be?

Get real.

Dave the Gnome