The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76375   Message #1353903
Posted By: David Edwards
11-Dec-04 - 08:45 AM
Thread Name: Mummers and Racism
Subject: RE: BS: Mummers and Rascism
May I remind everyone that people of African and West Indian origin have BROWN skin, not black. If mummers or morris men were 'browning up' I would have reservations, but they black their faces (they would traditionally have used soot or charcoal) to hide their identity, which stems back to the days when people who took part in such activities had to hide who they were incase their employers etc took it as an excuse to give them the sack.

They are not attempting to emulate anything like the obviously offensive black and white minstrels, and this over use of political correctness is getting very tedious and is becoming trotted out more and more by people looking for racism/sexism/any other type of ism where there is none.

If something is overtly racist I'll be the first to complain, but mummers and morris sides blacking up isn't racist. Perhaps the person who is responsible for banning the mummers play should get involved in the kick racism out of football campaign and do something useful.