The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76110   Message #1353935
Posted By: GUEST,Finn_Mac_Cuhal
11-Dec-04 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lest We Forget: History to Remember
Subject: RE: BS: Lest We Forget: History to Remember

I live in Alabama and while no doubt some of the nay voters on the Alabama constitutional amendment did so for reasons of bigotry, the main impetus for rejecting the measure was concern that the language changes in the amendment would allow judges in Alabama to direct tax increases for funding education. To be certain, education in Alabama is underfunded and I have supported several tax increases to better fund Alabama's schools despite my being a political conservative. However, taxes should be levied by a direct vote of the electorate or by representatives elected by the people. Judges should interpret the law...not make it. Governor Riley intends to raise the amendment again but with language to reassure those voters concerned about judicially-based tax increases. I expect the measure to pass when that happens. I hope so, at any rate. If not, I will have to agree with your assessment.

Great board and thanks for listing the lyrics to this song. Keelaghan is a modern treasure.