The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76375   Message #1353959
Posted By: The Shambles
11-Dec-04 - 10:42 AM
Thread Name: Mummers and Racism
Subject: RE: BS: Mummers and Rascism
Shambles, I can only speak to my knowledge and experience of the US, but the majority of black Americans may or may not know about the "historical differences" being cited here between mumming blackface and minstrel blackface. The point I'm making is so many of them find such "historical" justifications of the continued use of blackface, to be a justification of the continued use of stereotypes that are extremely painful to black Americans.

Although this view is a valid one (if held by an individual - rather that groups claiming that many people hold this view and to claim to speak for them) - there are equally valid other views. If those expressing this view are not speaking from full knowledge - perhaps they should not make demands of other cultures - from a position of ignorance. Perhaps then - this dressing-up may be able to be seen in its proper context and then be less painful?

Alice Walker is welcome to her view - but she may be wrong. The people appeared to listen and respect her view but they did not have to agree with it. She may also be wrong in thinking that others may feel the same or that she (or her writer friend) any right to speak for anyone but themselves.