The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76375   Message #1354252
Posted By: The Shambles
11-Dec-04 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: Mummers and Racism
Subject: RE: BS: Mummers and Rascism

You finish you post with this.

I agree with the poster who said that some folk traditions should be allowed to evolve. It seems to me that this is one of them

But you say that you are in agreement with - What matters is how the blacking up of mummers faces is perceived by Britain's black population....mummers SHOULD take into account how British blacks feel when they see the mummers in blackface, and not do it. Period. And they should not do it out of consideration for Britain's black minorities."

This does not sound like evolution to me. It appears that what you mean by it being allowed to evolve - is that is should be allowed to die out. I certainly feel that both sides should be taking in to account the feelings of all concerned and making a point of being as educated and informed as possible about each other's positions. There seems little point in insisting on one side taking offence - when it is perfectly clear that no offence is intended.

Anyone with any knowledge of mumming plays would be fully aware that it is a tradition that is constantly evolving.

But let us get this straight - it is one side of this argument insisting that the other stops doing something they clearly don't really understand. When mummers are not trying to impose anything on anyone but simply just trying to explain the history of their tradition and what it is and what it is not.

We have gotten rid of our children's cuddly 'Gollywogs' and those on our jam jars and all sorts of other equally silly measures - to avoid giving offence and hopefully no offence is being now made by such things - but the serious aspects of racism remain pretty much as serious and unchanged by all this.

There is now a feeling that enough of this PC silliness is enough. Notice should be taken of this, if the moves towards better understanding of how all victims of racism feel (whatever their colour or race) and measures to address this - are not to be undone.

It is also clear that there is a difference in the way these things are seen on each side of the Atlantic Ocean - and perhaps we can all learn from these differences. It would also be nice to hear the views of some black people from this side of the pond (if we have not already done so).