The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76329   Message #1354405
Posted By: folkfan73
11-Dec-04 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: Louth Folk Club
Subject: RE: Louth Folk Club
Hi! I have not made a posting for months now and only back since I went to the Louth Folk Club Xmas party with Travelling Audience and Georgiansilver. I enjoyed the night! It was a varied CHRISTMAS SELECTION BOX style of music and one of my favourites was the Blues Brothers renditions with guitar, mandolin and harmonica. I have a harmonica but I NEED MORE PRACTICE!!!!

I liked it when Heather did her human glockenspiel with 8 volunteers whom sat down for a head ache when she told them to say "OUCH!" in the right note when she banged their heads.